Level 1 – Certificate Principles Maintaining Personal Wellbeing At Work (RQF)


This qualification has been developed for learners who are seeking employment, returning to work or want to add value to their CPD. It has been designed to make learners aware of the principles of maintaining personal well-being in a work setting. It also explores the impact of positive and negative behaviour, good physical and mental health, a safe working environment and how healthy eating impacts on well-being.


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To be launched in Q2 2021, order now for access when released!

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The range of units contained in this qualification allow the learner to understand the principles of health and well-being at work, healthy eating, dealing with negative workplace situations, mental health and personal problems and self-development to provide a positive well-being. This qualification could also prove invaluable toward the learner’s personal and career development.

This qualification does not require you to have any prior qualifications or levels of prior learning.

AEB funded £724 | Guided learning hours 104

MODULE 1 – What makes a good workplace

What is physical well being in a work environment | What is social well being in a work setting | What is duty of care | What types of mental health problems exist at work

MODULE 2 – Health and safety in the workplace

Policies and procedures in the work setting | What responsibilities does an employee have | What Health and safety responsibilities does an employer have | What tasks relating to health and safety need special training

MODULE 3 – Healthy eating

Elements of a health balanced diet | Different food groups and contribution to positive well being | Why different groups of people require different diets | Importance of checking food labels for nutritional info | Benefits of a healthy diet

MODULE 4 – The impact of the workplace on your wellbeing

Understand how to deal with negative workplace situations | How do negative workplace situations affect personal wellbeing | How can you respond to negative workplace settings to promote personal wellbeing | How do you develop good working relationships with colleagues

MODULE 5 – How life outside work can affect us inside work

If I have money issues | If I have family issues | If I have relationship issues | What support might I get from the workplace

MODULE 6 – How self development can boost positive wellbeing

What is job satisfaction and why is it important | Why is it important to be rewarded for developing new skills or performing well | Where can I get support to find self-development activities | What self-development activities can provide positive well being at work

MODULE 7 – Mental health in the workplace

What is anxiety and what causes it and how can you reduce it | What is depression and what causes it and how can you reduce it | What is mindfulness and how can it help at work | What is work life balance and how can you achieve it

MODULE 8 – Physical Health in the workplace

What causes mental and physical fatigue in the work setting | What does burnout mean and what can cause it in the work setting | How can you maintain a healthy physical health lifestyle | Why is time management important to prevent personal health problems
